Episode 8 S. 3: If I was selling my offers daily and people werenā€™t buying, here's what I'd doā€¦


Welcome back my Social Seller!

This week's show is short and sweet. In this bit sized episode I share with you exactly what I’d do if I was selling my offers daily and people weren’t buying.


A list of questions to answer to help you sell and market your offers more effectively 

Examples of how to answer these questions

Anatomy will be LIVE this Tuesday

Inside this FREE Masterclass you’ll learn how to create a 6-figure lead magnet that will generate your business hundreds of thousands of dollars building your email list in the process!

Register for Anatomy Creating a 6-Figure Lead Magnet Masterclass HERE

Thanks for listening and if you enjoyed this episode the best way to show some love is by taking a screenshot of the show and tagging me on your Instagram Stories @courtneyjkimble.

Make sure to hit that subscribe button and leave a review on iTunes to enter to win a $75 visa gift card that my team draws once a...

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Episode 6 S. 3: Why your freebies arenā€™t converting

Welcome back to the show! In this week’s episode of the Social Selling Podcast, I tell you why your freebies aren’t converting.


Lead magnet mistakes that are killing conversion and how to avoid them

Do you want to…

have your audience thinking, “OMG if her free sh*t is this good, I can’t imagine how mind blowing her paid sh*t is”?

wake up to payment notifications?

walk into a launch with thousands of dollars in pre-sales secured before the cart opens to the public?

build your email list?

... a high converting lead magnet can do all that for you!!

Inside this FREE Masterclass you’ll learn how to create a 6-figure lead magnet that will generate your business hundreds of thousands of dollars building your email list in the process!

Register for Anatomy Creating a 6-Figure Lead Magnet Masterclass HERE

Thanks for listening and if you enjoyed this episode the best way to show some love is by taking a...

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Episode 18: The Anatomy of a 5-Figure Lead Magnet

Hello Social Seller! Welcome back to another episode of the Social Selling Podcast.

If you want to generate more leads in your business (duh) a lead magnet is one of the best ways to do that so in this week's episode, I talk about all things lead magnets because the more leads you have the more income and impact you’ll be able to make!


  • The real reason you want an email list of subscribers  
  • The anatomy of 5-figure lead magnet 
  • Simple steps to creating your own 5-figure lead magnet

Thanks for listening and if you enjoyed this episode the best way to show some love is by taking a screenshot of the show and tagging me on your Instagram Stories @courtneyjkimble.

Make sure to hit that subscribe button and leave a review on iTunes to enter to win a $75 visa gift card that my team draws once a month!


Come and hang with me in my private Facebook Community, The Social Selling Collective or on Instagram!


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Episode 14: It Goes Down in the DMā€™s: Building a 6-Figure Business Online

In this week’s episode of The Social Selling Podcast, I share the easiest way to generate sales and sign clients organically.


  •  What should be on the top of your To-Do List daily
  •  The difference between a cold pitch and a private invitation 
  •  Why your fear of sending a DM is holding you back from your income goals

LIVE THE LIFESTYLE MASTERMIND is officially accepting applications. APPLY HERE

If you’ve been asking yourself, “where do experts go to get support and coaching?” This is it, LTL mastermind was created for high level coaches and service providers who are ready to rapidly scale their 6-figure+ version of the laptop lifestyle without the hustle.

This container is a 6 month shared experience where leaders come together to complement one another's knowledge & expertise- a round table of women who are making QUANTUM LEAPS in their life & business.

This is a first come first serve...

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Episode 12: BTS of a 20K Launch

This week’s episode I take you behind the scenes of my client and mastermind alumni Ash’s sold out group program launch.


  • Three things you need to sell out your next launch 
  • What lead generation actually is 
  • Why custom is always better

LIVE THE LIFESTYLE MASTERMIND is officially accepting applications. APPLY HERE

The women who join this container will define their own versions of success, start asking the right questions and receive support from a leader (me) who guides them to expand, lead, and elevate in all areas of their business.

This is a 6 month hybrid (group + 1:1 support) coaching container that will help you create a business that complements your lifestyle--a mastermind to help you scale your business to the next level of income, energy, mindset, strategy, ALL without compromising everything else in your life. You’ll develop consistent strategies and systems to help you bring in those high five-figure...

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Episode 8: Sales Funnel Secrets with Dani Stratmann

 In this episode I bring on a very special guest, my friend Dani Stratmann! Dani is a Marketing Coach and corporate dropout who helps women sign more clients on Instagram. You can find Dani hanging out on Instagram @dani.stratmann


  • What beginners need to know about sales funnels 
  • The 3 stages of a sales funnel
  • The easy way to set up a modern sales funnel to bring in more leads & sales for your business

Follow and DM Dani on Instagram to snag your free resource and connect @dani.stratmann

Thanks for listening and if you enjoyed this episode the best way to show some love is by taking a screenshot of the show and tagging me on your Instagram Stories @courtneyjkimble. Make sure to hit that subscribe button and leave a review on iTunes to enter to win a $75 visa gift card that my team draws once a month!


Come and hang with me in my private Facebook Community, The Social Selling Collective or on Instagram!


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Episode 20: Lead Generation: The Key To Signing Clients Consistently


In this week's episode of the Social Selling Podcast, I grab the mic and talk about all things lead generation. While lead generation may not sound like a super glamorous podcast topic it is a key ingredient to a successful business that brings in consistent clients.


What is lead generation and how it can help you sign consistent dream clients.

7 different strategies that you can start implementing in your biz to generate more leads.

How to qualify and classify your leads

Thanks for listening and if you enjoyed this episode the best way to show some love is by taking a screenshot of the show and tagging me on your Instagram Stories @CourtneyJKimble. Make sure to hit that subscribe button and leave a review on iTunes to enter to win a $75 visa gift card that my team draws once a month!


Come and hang with me in my private Facebook Community, The Social Selling Collective, or on Instagram!

Head over to ...

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