Episode 13 S 3: How to create sustainability and insane success in your coaching business

In this episode, I dive into the topic of creating sustainability and success in your coaching business. Join me as I explore the power of stepping away from being a "Yes girl" and building a business that aligns with the life you desire.


The power of saying no. Discover what happens when you stop being a "Yes girl" and start prioritizing the life you want to live. I explore how setting boundaries and making intentional decisions can lead to a business that supports your desired lifestyle.

2 key questions to ask before creating and selling an offer. I reveal these questions and explain why they are key to building a successful coaching business.

Building a business that aligns with your life, learn how to create and scale a coaching business that’s not only successful but also supports the life you want to live.

LIVE THE LIFESTYLE MASTERMIND applications are closing on Friday! APPLY HERE

If you’ve been asking yourself,...

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Episode 37: When Self Care Becomes Another β€œTo-Do” with Pavi Mueller

Pavi and I have a conversation about how in today’s society, including in our entrepreneurial world, everyone wants quick answers and magic pills to make their problems go away so they can focus on work and building their dreams.

Unfortunately a lot of the mental health and new age spirituality has fallen within that same do-do-do framework which can lead to more burnout.

Pavi is the founder of Pulse, she guides overwhelmed entrepreneurs to overcome overwhelm. Her clients learn how to live and work from an inner place of ease, lightness and clarity. You can find Pavi hanging out on Instagram @pulsewithpavi 


Why self care routines can feel like a chore 

The roadmap to building in self care that doesn't feel like a “freakin drag”

Grab Pavi’s FREE Overcome Overwhelm Guide here!

Visit Pavi’s website to learn more about the work she does here.

Thanks for listening and if you enjoyed this episode the...

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Episode 13: Self Discovery: The Importance of Getting to Know Yourself with Sara Katherine

In this episode, I bring on a very special guest, my friend and past client Sara Katherine!

Sara is a Self-Discovery Coach, podcast host for Be Your Own Badass, and the author of Your Self-Discovery Journal, I’m Awesome: Here’s Why and Be Happy. Be Calm. Be YOU. Sara's mission is to help women achieve their goals without letting people-pleasing or perfectionism get in their way, so they can create a life they truly love. You can find Sara hanging out on Instagram @coachsarakatherine


  •  How a deeper understanding of yourself can lead to a more fulfilled life & business
  •  The first step to becoming more self-aware so you can you find your passions, purpose, motivations, and so much more.

Grab Sara’s FREE Life Audit Workbook here!

Visit Sara’s website to learn more about the work she does and to get your copy of her new book,Your Self-Discovery Journal: A Guided Journey to Identify and Actualize Your Passions,...

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