Episode #1: My Story

Uncategorized Dec 25, 2020

The Social Selling Podcast

Episode 1: My Story

The Social Selling Podcast has been a dream of mine for so long and it's finally here!! Over the last six months, so many people have been reaching out and asking, "Where can I find your podcast?!", "Do you have a podcast?!"


So here I am, doing the damn thing. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Courtney. I'm a Transformative Business Coach & Mentor who help's women create dream businesses. I'm a Social Selling expert who teaches my clients how to apply sales psychology principles to better understand their audience's wants, needs, and desires aka make more money in their business and increase their impact in the space.


I'm a Mani- Generator, Gemini and Big Time Abraham-ster. Bruce Wayne, my Frenchie, is absolutely perfect in every way. I'm living my version of the laptop lifestyle. My clients energize me in a way that I could have only dreamed of. I wake up every day, filled with tremendous gratitude for the opportunity to get to do what I do. This is my current experience but in this episode I'm going to take you back, back to the beginning so you can have a little insight into what made me the woman I am today.



  • Who is Coach Courtney
  • The Power of Your Why


"I'm going to go deep, not too wide, because I'm long winded and like my Mom could talk to a fence post. But I believe there is power in brevity. So I'm going to channel that here as I share my story with you." -Courtney Kimble


Thanks for listening and if you enjoyed this episode the best way to show some love is by taking a screenshot of the show and tagging me on your Instagram Stories @CourtneyJKimble. Make sure to hit that subscribe button and leave a review on iTunes to enter to win a $75 visa gift card that my team draws once a month!



Come and hang with me in my private Facebook Community, The Social Selling Collective or on Instagram!

Head over to courtneyjkimbleconsulting.com to grab you Free copy of The Instagram Bio Blueprint!

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