Episode 16: Financial Literacy and Healing Your Money Mindset with Natasha Zoryk

Uncategorized Jun 23, 2021

In this week's episode of the Social Selling Podcast you are in for quite a treat! I’m speaking with the one, the only Natasha Zoryk! Natasha is a multiple 6-figure Business & Marketing Mentor who helps female entrepreneurs scale, profit, & master their business. You can find Natasha hanging out on Instagram @natasha.zoryk.

“You feel in your highest vibration when you’re doing this work and there is definitely, in the beginning, a lot more work that feels heavy. Because you’re figuring it out and without that heavy work you wouldn’t have this aligned work” - Natasha Zoryk


✅ How you can be the change that helps others think differently about how they interact with money.

✅ We have the ability to do whatever it is that we want as long as it works for us and our business needs.

✅ Why selling from the soul empowers you and your customers.

Thanks for listening and if you enjoyed this episode the best way to show some love is by taking a screenshot of the show and tagging me on your Instagram Stories @CourtneyJKimble. Make sure to hit that subscribe button and leave a review on iTunes to enter to win a $75 visa gift card that my team draws once a month!


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